Programming classes starting this week Oct 5 Wed (Bronze) and Oct 7 Fri (Silver) at 7:15AM
Post date: Oct 5, 2016 1:32:22 AM
Dear Parents,
I would like to thank you for signing your child up to participate in our Primary Programming classes.
This program has over 4 years of history at Silver Oak Elementary and we try to introduce changes every year to keep up with the latest development in technology and improve the classes. Also, for first time we have decided to offer the classes at no charge this year. The classes will be open to anyone to join and try out programming throughout the year. This does not mean that we are not committed to the classes. We will be teaching programming following the method we have developed for this class with the highest quality. Not charging for the classes and make it open enables students to think about programming more freely and invite any of their friends to join if they like. We plan to create a "workshop" like experience where algorithmic thinking is in focus. Development tools, programming languages and design methods come and go so quickly, that at the age of our students what matter is to develop the right thinking approach to systematic problem solving.
Please see the details of Primary Programming below:
Room: D-14 (Mrs. Hoshino's room)
Time: 7:15AM to 8AM
Bronze days: Wednesdays
Silver days: Fridays
Computers: Chromebooks provided by the school - do not bring your own device, WiFi will not work
Development tool: cloud IDE - works on any device from anywhere with an internet connection and 50 hours usage per month is free
Programming language: Python 3
What to do for this week?
1) Create a account. Please choose an account/password for your child to remember easily or write it down on a paper. If you are not able to do it in-time for tomorrow or this week, we will be using as back-up.
2) Try to bring your child by 7:15AM
3) Due to walk to school week, we will be releasing them at 7:50AM, so that they will be able to run a lap before the school starts
Manadher Kharroubi - Instructor
Attila Lengyel - Instructor
Yvonne French Classroom helper Bronze Group
Shireen Alinani - Classroom helper Silver Group
We are looking forward to continuing Primary Programming at Silver Oak in 2016-17 School Year.
Best regards,