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Primary Programmers
at Silver Oak Elementary School, San Jose, CA
What did we see in 2013?
Why Primary Programmers?
Bronze Announcements
2018-19 Lesson 2: Cooking eggs
2018-19 Lesson 3: Strings and Integers
Head Tail
Lesson 1 - Hello World!
Lesson 10: "Repetition makes the master": Fibonacci series with role play
Lesson 10: Hangman v2
Lesson 11: Functions - Drawing Hangman
Lesson 11: Lists - Raffle
Lesson 12: Rolling dice
Lesson 13: Hangman v1.0 - Ready to play
Lesson 14: Searching
Lesson 15: Hangman search algorithm
Lesson 16: Is this artificial intelligence? Automated Hangman algorithm
Lesson 19: How accurate the hangman algorithm is?
Lesson 20: Basics
Lesson 22: Date & times
Lesson 23: Rolling the dice
Lesson 24: Morse code
Lesson 25: Simple encryption
Lesson 26: Riddle
Lesson 2: Variables 1.0
Lesson 3: Control flow using if... elif... else
Lesson 4: Control flow
Lesson 4: Grades using if ... elif ...
Lesson 5: Counting numbers with for loop
Lesson 5: Multiplication test
Lesson 6: Loops - Head or Tail?
Lesson 6: Multiplications
Lesson 7: Lists in Python
Lesson 7: Multiplication test (Variables, Control-flow, Loops)
Lesson 8: "What year were you born?" - Strings and Dates
Lesson 8: While loop and multiplication test
Lesson 9: Fibonacci series & 4 corners game
Lesson 9: Hangman v1
Bronze Classes
Silver Announcements
2018-19 Lesson 2: Cooking eggs
2018-19 Lesson 3: Strings, Integers and Float
Check winner tic-tac-toe
dictionary file
Draw tic-tac-toe board
Hangman v1
Hangman v1.0
Hangman v2
Hangman v3
Hangman v4
Important Dates
Lesson 1 - Hello World!
Lesson 10: Hangman & Data mining...
Lesson 10: Lists
Lesson 11 a : Functions
Lesson 11 b: Hangman v2
Lesson 11: Bubble sort
Lesson 12: Rolling the dice
Lesson 13: Hangman revised post class
Lesson 13: Hangman searchspace
Lesson 14: Hashmaps
Lesson 15: Finding words with a pattern
Lesson 16: Automated letter guess
Lesson 18 - Hangman computer player
Lesson 19 - How accurate our Hangman algorithm is?
Lesson 20: Revisiting basics
Lesson 21: (Combined with Bronze) Random numbers
Lesson 22: Working with dates and converter between Fahrenheit and Celsius
Lesson 23: Playing with timers
Lesson 24: Morse code
Lesson 25: Simple encryption
Lesson 26: Riddle
Lesson 2: Variables 1.0
Lesson 3: Control flow using if... elif...else...
Lesson 4: Control Flow
Lesson 4: Nested ifs
Lesson 5: Listing up all prime numbers using for loop
Lesson 5: Multiplication test with for loop
Lesson 6: Head or tail?
Lesson 6: Multiplication timed test
Lesson 7: Fibonacci sequence
Lesson 7: Timed & Graded Multiplication test
Lesson 8: 4 corners game and "What year were you born"? - Strings & Dates
Lesson 8: While loop and binary search
Lesson 9: Fibonacci series and more
Lesson 9: Rock-Paper-Scissors
May 03 Sample programs
May 10 Sample Program
Programming classes starting this week Oct 5 Wed (Bronze) and Oct 7 Fri (Silver) at 7:15AM
Setting up an account at
Silver Oak PTO Primary Programmers Summer Classes
Stock prices from Yahoo
Tic-tac-toe grid
Volunteers needed...
Week 1 Sample Program
Week 10 - Xmas tree sample program
Week 11 - Math Olympiad
Week 12 - Math Olympiad through Brute Force Search
Week 13: Sum of basics
Week 14 Random numbers and binary search
Week 15 Tic-tac-toe verison 1
Week 16 - Tic Tac Toe Block User Win
Week 16 - Tic tac toe random move
Week 17 - Tic Tac Toe Start by Flipping Coin
Week 18
Week 19
Week 2 Sample for Silver
Week 20 Tic-tac-toe v1.0
Week 21 - Calculating average, min and max
Week 22 - Working with time
Week 23 - Modulo
Week 24 - Prime numbers
Week 3 Sample Program
Week 4 Sample Program
Week 5 Sample Program
Week 6 Sample Program
Week 7 Sample Program
Silver Classes
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