Summer 2015 - Lesson 2 Assignments

Post date: Jul 2, 2015 12:03:14 AM

During this lesson, we covered some of the basic of variables in Java programming. We also talked about some general ideas of what programs are, and explained some rules about writing programs in Java.

We learned how variables are like boxes, which hold a value. Each variable is given a specific name, that follows strict naming conventions.

We learned that programs are essential data being changed by algorithms, or sequences of instructions.

We also learned about the important of curly brackets (aka., curly braces) and semicolons. Remember, semicolons are the periods to our programming sentences.

On this post, you will find two programming assignments.

Assignment 1 shows you how a variable is created and then printed out. You must then re-assign the values of the variables created to print out new information.

Assignment 2 asks you to create two new variables (a new int and a new String), and then figure out how to swap the values of the same type.

Good Luck!