Lesson 19 - How accurate our Hangman algorithm is?

Post date: Mar 15, 2018 3:04:59 PM

import word_dict, random

def drawhangman(missedGuesses):

if missedGuesses <= 0: return

print(" _____________")

if missedGuesses > 1:

print(" | |")

else: print(" |")

if missedGuesses > 2:

print(" | O")

else: print(" |")

if missedGuesses > 3:

print(" | /|\\")

else: print(" |")

if missedGuesses > 4:

print(" | |")

else: print(" |")

if missedGuesses > 5 :

print(" | / \\")

else: print(" |")

print(" |")

print(" |")

print(" |_____________")

def lengthwords(searchspace, length):

returnspace = []

for w in searchspace:

if len(w) == length:


return returnspace

def match(searchspace, pattern):

returnspace = []

for w in searchspace:

add = True

for x in range(0, len(w)):

if pattern[x] != "_" and w[x] != pattern[x]:

add = False


if add:


return returnspace

def eliminatemissed(searchspace, missedletters):

returnspace = []

for w in searchspace:

add = True

for l in w:

if missedletters.find(l) != -1:

add = False


if add:


return returnspace

def stat(searchspace, pattern):

abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"

lstat = {}

for c in abc:

lstat[c] = 0

for w in searchspace:

letters = ""

for c in w:

if letters.find(c) == -1:

letters += c

for c in letters:

lstat[c] += 1

count = 0

letter = ""

for c in abc:

if pattern.find(c) == -1:

if lstat[c] > count:

count = lstat[c]

letter = c

return letter

def guess(wordlength, pattern, eliminatedletters):

space = lengthwords(word_dict.db, wordlength)

space = match(space, pattern)

space = eliminatemissed(space, eliminatedletters)

lstat = stat(space, pattern)

return lstat

def play(word, draw):

good_letters = ""

eliminated_letters =""

word_dash = ""

for x in range(0, len(word)):

word_dash += "_ "

if draw: print (word_dash)

missed_guesses = 0

while missed_guesses < 7 and word_dash.find("_") != -1:

automatedguess = guess(len(word), word_dash.replace(' ',''), eliminated_letters)

if draw: print("Let me guess:", automatedguess)

if len(automatedguess) == 0: missed_guesses += 1

if word.find(automatedguess) > -1:

if draw: print("Correct guess!")

good_letters += automatedguess


eliminated_letters += automatedguess

if draw: print("Wrong guess!")

missed_guesses = missed_guesses + 1

if draw: drawhangman(missed_guesses)

word_dash = ""

for x in range(0, len(word)):

if good_letters.find(word[x]) > -1:

word_dash += word[x] + " "


word_dash += "_ "

if draw: print(word_dash)

if draw: print("The word is", word)

return missed_guesses

#This is the main program

space = lengthwords(word_dict.db, 9)

totalgames = 0

lostgames = 0

for w in space:

totalgames += 1

guesses = play(w, False)

if guesses == 7: lostgames += 1

print(w, guesses)

print(totalgames, lostgames)

size = len(word_dict.db)

print("Let's play Hangman")

question = input("Do you want to pick a word? (yes/no):")

if question == "yes":

word = input("Give me a word:")

play(word, True)


wordindex = random.randint(0, size)

randomword = word_dict.db[wordindex]

randomword = randomword.lower()

play(randomword, True)